Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Yogurt Pot Tags

Opening the fridge door I found quite a lot of yogurt pots, they had really nice covers so I took them of. I cut out the bit I liked and decided to make them into tags, this is how I did it.
1. First start with eating a lot of yogurt.

2. Trace over the heart in the middle (I couldn't see through my card so I used a bit of thin paper for a template). Then cut the heart out of white card and stick it over the original heart.
3. Start to make dotted lines for people to write on with a gap of 1cm (8mm to be precise) in between each line. You can also write to and from at the top and bottom of your heart. So that you have something like this:  
4. Punch a hole into your tag and thread a bit of rustic looking sting through the hole. Then, your done!

Here are some of my finished tags.